Startup Insight

Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe

Jul 2, 2024 | By Startup Rise EU

Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe

On a global level, the need for health and wellness startups has increased significantly due to numerous factors. Nowadays people are becoming more responsible and conscious about their health and wellness  which ultimately creates a demand for advanced solutions and innovative healthcare practices to improve their health and to promote well-being. The increased number of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, and stress has built a market for healthcare and wellness startups providing precautionary and curative solutions to address these issues.

Progression in technology, including tools like wearables, telehealth, and health-tracking softwares, have allowed startups to offer personalised healthcare provision and monitoring equipment. Health startups on a global level intend to tackle issues associated with healthcare accessibility, especially in nsglected areas, through telehealth and reasonable and low cost healthcare solutions. The significance of data analytics and artificial intelligence in the healthcare and wellness sector has stimulated the growth of startups concentrated on anticipatory analytics, healthcare management and personalised medicine.

The European health and wellness startups are making remarkable contributions to the region as well as the entire globe. European health and wellness startups are offering telehealth services and AI supported healthcare solutions, making healthcare and well-being options more accessible and effective at the same time. European health and wellness startups are also developing various wearable devices and applications to assess important health metrics and to foster a healthier and happier lifestyle.

European health and wellness startups are dealing with the emerging demand for mental health and wellness services, offering various therapeutic solutions and medication. European health and wellness startups are leading the industry by utilising artificial intelligence and data analytics for developing various drugs, testing symptoms  and managing healthcare operations. There  are startups who are providing customised nutrition solutions according to the genetics and dietary preferences of people.

Best health and wellness startups 2024

Let's discover the top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe. 

Spectrum Life 

Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Spectrum Life 

Spectrum Life  is a renowned health and wellness startup based in Dublin, Ireland. It was emerged in 2019. It was founded by Stephen Costello, Stuart McGoldrick. This European startup is effortlessly dedicated to the health and wellness sector. It specializes in mental health, wellness services, customization, etc. Its mission is to transform lives by offering modern, secure and clinically proved healthcare services.

It provides services using business to business partnerships. It consists of a workforce ranging from 251 to 500. It is backed by investors like Act Vemture capital. This European startup is committed to develope a landscape of creativity to persistently encourage and inspire team members to take care of their health and entire well-being. This organisation believes in delivering excellence. It enables companies to deliver the highest workplace standards in an efficient and accessible way. It prioritises clinical efficacy and results. It offers personalised solutions that are cost effective. 


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Amsilk

Amsilk is a European health and wellness startup first instituted in Munich, Germany in 2008. It was founded by Lin Romer. It provides services using business to business partnerships. It is typically related to the health and wellness sector. It specialises in biopolymer, biotech, medical devices, zero waste operations etc. With a substantial workforce ranging from 51 to 200 skilled individuals this organisation aims to establish itself as a global leader.

It is backed by investors like Novo A/S. This European startup has collaborated with many global industry leaders. It is effortlessly trying to extend the use of its vegan, eco-friendly, recyclable, biodegradable, eco compatible products which will ultimately reduce our dependency on the earth's natural resources. Its mission is to make advanced performing biotech materials a part of people's everyday life.


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Heights


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Heights is an amazing health, wellness and fitness startup emerged in 2018 in London, UK. It was founded by Dan Murray. This European startup is associated with Health and wellness sector. It specialises in supplements manufacturing, wellness services, fitness aspects etc. It typically provides services using a combination of business to business partnerships and business to customer interactions.

With a small group of employees ranging from 11 to 51 this organisation is tremendously growing towards the success. It's objective is to provide smarter supplements for both mind and body. This European startup is highly committed to make people's lifestyle worth discovering by harnessing smarter alternatives and by indulging smarter factors in their everyday lives.


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | GetHarley

GetHarley is a European health and wellness startup based in London, England. It was founded by Charmaine Chow in 2019. This European startup provides services using a B2C model. It is associated with the health care and wellness sector and specialises in skincare, dermatology, healthcare, technology etc. Its mission is to transform the skincare industry and revolutionise the healthy ageing experience. This European health and wellness startup is meant for every age group. It encourages people from across diverse backgrounds to look, feel and be their amazing selves.

This organisation claims itself to be the first to integrate technologies with the natural inclination and experience of a healthcare professional to deliver Comfortable and personalised experience related to skin. This startup is backed by renowned investors like Index ventures, visionaries club etc. With a substantial workforce ranging from 51 to 200 this European startup is effortlessly trying to build an award winning business on a global level. It provides personalised high tech treatments like endolift, broadband light, platelet rich plasma therapy, micro needling etc. 

Beacon Therapeutics 

Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Beacon Therapeutics 

Beacon Therapeutics, a European health and wellness startup originated in London, UK in 2023. The name of its founder is Professor Robert Maclaren. This European startup is typically associated with the health and wellness industry. It specialises in gene therapy, retinal disease, blinding diseases, biotechnology, research etc.

Its mission is to renew and enhance the vision of patients with common and scarce retinal diseases that result in blindness. with a diverse workforce ranging from 51 to 200, this organisation is aiming to achieve sustainable growth in the upcoming years. This startup uses a B2C model to provide services directly to its customers. This European startup has received funds from world-class investors like Oxford Science enterprises. 


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Withings 

Withings, a European health and wellness startup discovered in Paris, France in 2008. The name of its founders are Eric Carreel, Cedric Hutchings and Fred Potter. This European organisation's mission is to create a world where anyone can visualise their path to better health, and feeld encouraged to achieve it. It mostly deals in a B2B model. It is deeply connected with the health and wellness sector.

It specialises in digital health, health and wellness smart devices, fitness services etc. With a workforce ranging from 101 to 250 it is aiming to compete globally to establish itself as a market leader. This entity considers itself as a health station. It provides parameters to monitor the recent health conditions. It ensures data protection. This platform has more than 1 million users. 

Ori Biotech

Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Ori Biotech

Ori Biotech is a health and wellness startup based in London. It was co-founded by Professor Chris Mason, Dr. Farlan Veraitch in 2015. Its objective is to eradicate barriers to patient access by creating and fundamentally reconsidering cell and gene manufacturing solutions. With a small workforce ranging from 11 to 51 this European startup is aiming to expand itself in the coming years.

It provides services through business to business partnerships. It is highly committed to the health and wellness sector. This European organisation specialises in cell therapy, gene therapy, manufacturing, health care etc. This startup believes in partnering with industry leaders like CellGenix, Catapult, Cooley, Delin, Chimera to utilize their expertise to achieve milestones.


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Payfit

Payfit is a European startup established in Paris, France in 2015. The name of its founders are Florian Fournier, Ghislain de Fontenay and Firmin Zocchetto. With a huge number of workforce ranging from 501 to 1000 this organisation is being recognized globally. It offers services using a combination of business to business partnerships and SaaS solutions. It is associated with the health, wellness and IT sector. IT specialises in healthcare service, HR management, IT consulting, IT services etc.

It has its presence  in countries like Germany, Spain and UK. This European organisation is backed by investors like Accel, Eurazeo etc. Their automated, instant and Incredible SaaS solution is worth using. It's objective is to support the digital health and wellness transformation of HR management through their emerging range of prpduct and service offerings. 


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Teale

Teale is a health and wellness startup originated in Paris, France in 2021. It was founded by Nicolas Merlaud, Julia Neel Biz. It has a  workforce consisting of 11 to 51 people. It's objective is to explore their capability of doing anything to democratize mental health, to utilize technology, data and science in the services of mental health to help employees and to create a better organization.

This European startup is backed by world-class investors like Isai, Bpifrance, Kim ventures etc. It offers services using a combination of business to business partnerships and SaaS solutions. It specialises in mental health assistance, team work management, workplace mental health management etc. It is associated with the health and wellness sector. 


Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.
Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe | Bokadirekt

Bookdirekt is a Swedish startup based in Stockholm. It was originated in 2008 by Christian Fricke. This European startup is entirely associated with Health and wellness sector. It specialises in health and wellness services, beauty, fashion, services, etc. This startup with a workforce ranging from 51 to 200, it is aiming to be a global. It facilitates various treatment services instantly.

It provides services using a combination of business to customer interactions and by directly being present in the marketplace. It is recognized as the Sweden's most popular application and marketplace for booking services related to health, wellness and beauty. It provides wellness services like skincare, sweat treatment, acne, healthcare, exercise, physiotherapy, fillers etc. Its mission is to make healthcare and wellness factors widely available at the marketplace.

Health and wellness startups in Europe are not only catering to local needs but also expanding to the global arena to deal with a wider range of customers, developing creative solutions to deal with healthcare issues. These startups contribute to the whole globe by transforming the healthcare and wellness sector with the help of advanced technology, improved accessibility  and effective strategies. Europe is promoting an evolving ecosystem for health and wellness startups with an increasing number of incubators, accelerators, and funding opportunities, highly contributing to the global healthcare innovation and discoveries.

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Which are Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe?

Spectrum Life, Amsilk, Heights, GetHarley, Beacon Therapeutics, Withings, Ori Biotech, Payfit, Teale, are Bokadirekt Top 10 Health and Wellness Startups in Europe.

Who founded Payfit Startup?

Florian Fournier, Ghislain de Fontenay and Firmin Zocchetto founded Payfit.

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