Your banking for the new token economy is TRASTRA. For converting cryptocurrencies to euros and cashing out euros, the TRASTRA crypto-friendly IBAN is the perfect option. A free, safe cryptocurrency...Read More
Your banking for the new token economy is TRASTRA. For converting cryptocurrencies to euros and cashing out euros, the TRASTRA crypto-friendly IBAN is the perfect option. A free, safe cryptocurrency wallet that is completely connected with SEPA and has an IBAN for accepting euros is called TRASTRA.
With the all-in-one web app, they provide their customers solid and safe service, as well as wallets for BTC, ETH, USDC, BCH, LTC, XRP, and USDT, as well as payment accounts with IBAN. With the help of the online application, you can quickly buy and sell cryptocurrencies using the streamlined SEPA transfer process and exchange them for conventional currency to send by bank transfer. Advanced security, rapid support, and reliable online applications are all guaranteed by TRASTRA. They are very knowledgeable about blockchain, payments, and banking, and they have faith in the future of cryptocurrencies. Their goal is to make managing cryptocurrency as easy as managing fiat money so that individuals can use it for daily expenses. Read Less
: Vilnus, Lithuania
Founding Members
: 1. Roman Potemkin Founder