
Taia Translations

Taia Translations is a modern AI-assisted translation platform.

Artificial Intelligence, london, uk

About Taia Translations

With the aid of AI and qualified translators, Taia Translations is a cutting-edge translation and localization platform. They support more than 70 file types and provide a large range of translation services into 97 languages. An advanced platform for translation with AI assistance is Taia Translations. They provide AI-assisted, human-perfected translation services to businesses to help them translate and localize their documents, websites, and other content. Businesses can “grow” globally and increase their market share with their aid. You can choose to translate yourself or to hire Taia’s staff of linguists and subject matter experts to do the work for you.
Your data could be translated in a matter of seconds, maintaining formatting, if sophisticated neural machine translation is sufficiently accurate. Nonetheless, you can order from a variety of services directly within the platform if you require a more polished touch. Their ordering platform was designed to be as easy to use as possible. They realize that for businesses, time is money. Their platform is therefore simple, clear, and organized.

Legal Name

: Taia Translations


: London, United Kingdom

Business Model

: B2B2C

Founding Date

: 2015

No. of Employees

: 41-50

Founding Members

: 1. Matija Kovac Co-Founder

Revenue Stream

E-commerce - Service

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