
Deutsche Teilkauf

Deutsche Teilkauf - Provider of online brokerage services for selling of homes.

Fintech, Germany

About Deutsche Teilkauf

Supplier of internet real estate brokerage services. Deutsche Teilkauf caters to the construction and real estate industries. Deutsche Teilkauf aims to provide homeowners with retirement financial security. In real estate, Deutsche Teilkauf is merely a “silent partner.” They provide a lifetime, legally protected right to exist and make use of on the basis of the usufruct. A property may be used by anyone having the right of usufruct or right of habitation, even if they are not the owners. A monthly usage charge is paid for the use of the property in specific circumstances, such as when it is partially sold. Ronald Paul and John Bothe founded it in 2020.

Legal Name

: Deutsche Teilkauf


: Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Business Model

: B2B2C

Founding Date

: 2020

No. of Employees

: 101-200

Founding Members

: 1. Marian Kirchhoff Founder

Revenue Stream

E-commerce - Service

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