

StudySmarter is an intelligent learning platform for pupils and students.


About StudySmarter

An intelligent learning tool for students is called StudySmarter. The all-in-one learning platform that uses cutting-edge technology to transform education globally. One of the top EdTech startups globally, they are transforming education with sophisticated, user-focused solutions and state-of-the-art AI technology. Their award-winning all-in-one study platform is available on desktop and mobile devices and is customized to meet a variety of learning needs, providing a successful and individualized learning environment. StudySmarter gives users access to shared resources from the worldwide learning community and intelligent tools for creating learning materials, such as notes and flashcards. StudySmarter facilitates the transition from education to professional professions by connecting students and learners with possible employers. Their platform, which is used by more than a thousand organizations to display their employment opportunities or traineeships, guarantees a perfect target audience and achieves a conversion rate that is many times greater than other job platforms, impacting future career success.

Legal Name

: StudySmarter


: München, Bayern, Germany

Business Model

: B2B2C

Founding Date

: 2018

No. of Employees

: 201-300

Founding Members

: 1. Maurice Khudhir Co-Founder

: 2. Christian Felgenhauer Co-Founder

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