

Kinderpedia is the complete digital solution for school management and communication.

Bucharest, Edtech, Romania

About Kinderpedia

Kinderpedia’s goal is to employ digital resources to revolutionize education by streamlining administrative procedures and emphasizing student-teacher collaboration at the center of the learning process. With the help of their platform, education may become more intelligent and connected, with students, teachers, and parents collaborating constantly and communicating in real time.
By cutting down on paperwork and unnecessary procedures in kindergartens, Kinderpedia frees up time for users to focus their energy and resources where it counts most—on the education of young children and the enormous advancements they may make every day. For transforming education, Kinderpedia has won multiple awards both domestically and internationally. The platform placed third at Startarium, the most well-known entrepreneurial competition in Romania, and first place at the Impact Hub Bucharest-hosted Innovators for Children accelerator, which was made possible by the Botnar Foundation. Kinderpedia has received the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence and been acknowledged as a social impact business at the EAIS in Brussels. Due to the inventiveness of the solution and its educational impact, Kinderpedia was named the winner of the Innovator of the Year award at the Business Review Awards Gala. Additionally, Business Magazin included Kinderpedia in a catalog of the most inventive enterprises in Romania. Kinderpedia is a multilingual, multicurrency, cloud-based platform that runs natively on iOS and Android devices and can be accessed through any web browser. It is safely housed on Amazon Web Servers. The following are just a few of the modules offered by Kinderpedia: staff and child management, group management, remote video teaching, gradebook, daily attendance, homework, activities schedule, event calendar, weekly menu, QR code-based check-in, daily and reporting timelines, multimedia galleries, automated billing, and individual observations for each activity.

Legal Name

: Kinderpedia


: Bucharest, Romania

Business Model

: B2B2C

Founding Date

: 2018

No. of Employees

: 41-50

Founding Members

: 1. Daniel Rogoz CEO & Co-Founder

Revenue Stream

E-commerce - Service

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