

JustWatch is a search engine for streaming movies.

Berlin, Entertainment, Germany

About JustWatch

JustWatch is a new streaming search engine designed to assist you in locating authorized movie theaters. What’s fresh on Hulu, Netflix, or iTunes? Where can I watch the movie that you have been raving about? You can find all of it in one app on JustWatch. You may adjust your own preferences and use simple, intuitive filters for a wide variety of genres, release years, and services like Google Play and Amazon Prime to enhance the experience even more. Their mission is to link moviegoers across the globe with their favorite entertainment.

Legal Name

: JustWatch


: Berlin, Germany

Business Model

: B2B, B2C

Founding Date

: 2015

No. of Employees

: 101-200

Founding Members

: 1. David Croyé Founder

Revenue Stream

Subscription, Other

About Funding


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