

Garantme is the best housing guarantor to rent in France.

France, Paris, Real Estate

About Garantme

The greatest rental housing guarantor in France is Garantme. Garantme is classified as a “fintech” by Finance Innovation, an accredited broker by ORIAS for financial products and insurance, and a labeled member of FNAIM. Garantme provides a lease guarantee and application help to thousands of international students studying in France. The landlord can see that you take your application seriously and are financially stable thanks to the Garantme Guarantee®. It offers a fully digital service to transform the way that insurance and rentals are approached. Garantme provides real estate professionals with dependable, creative, and intelligible insurance solutions. Their partners can use and implement their solutions with ease, speed, and confidence because of their streamlined processes and driven team. The goal of Garantme is to create cutting-edge and easily accessible insurance solutions for real estate brokers.

Legal Name

: Garantme


: Paris, France

Business Model

: B2B2C

Founding Date

: 2017

No. of Employees

: 41-50

Founding Members

: 1. Emile Karam CPO & Co-Founder

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