Maite Perroni
Mexican Actress, Singer, Songwriter And Producer
Maite Perroni
Mexican Actress, Singer, Songwriter And Producer
Maite Perroni
Birthday - 9 March
Maite Perroni
Birthday - 9 March
Maite Perroni
Age 41 years
Maite Perroni
Age 41 years
Maite Perroni
Married to Andrés Tovar
Maite Perroni
Married to Andrés Tovar
Maite Perroni
Estimated $6 million
Maite Perroni
Estimated $6 million
Maite Perroni
Career began in 2004
Maite Perroni
Career began in 2004
Maite Perroni
known for Mexican telenovela
and the Netflix series
Dark Desire
Maite Perroni
known for Mexican telenovela
and the Netflix series
Dark Desire
Maite Perroni
Won the Premios TVyNovelas of Best Actress of the Year
Maite Perroni
Won the Premios TVyNovelas of Best Actress of the Year
Maite Perroni
Her first solo album
Eclipse de Luna
Maite Perroni
Her first solo album
Eclipse de Luna
Taylor Swift
Megan Barton-hanson
Megan Barton-hanson